In a tragic twist of fate, 51-year-old Elisabeth Foley, a mother of three from Virginia, is battling not only the aftermath of a devastating shark attack but also the denial of coverage for a life-changing prosthetic arm by her health insurer, Cigna Healthcare.
Foley, who lost most of her left arm during a beach vacation in June 2024, was dealt another blow in October when she learned her insurance would not pay for the $73,000 myoelectric prosthetic hand she had been expecting by Christmas.
“I just felt so deflated, I don’t know how else to describe it,” she told The Post, after receiving the crushing news that her insurance plan does not cover advanced prosthetics.
A Heartbreaking Journey
Reflecting on the insurer’s decision, Foley described it as one of the darkest moments of her ordeal. “It’s insane and so frustrating, because I paid for health insurance my entire life, and had the healthiest life, so I barely used it. But I need their help now, and they won’t help me,” the former Starbucks barista shared.
Foley’s nightmare began last June in Watersound, Florida, while enjoying the Gulf of Mexico with her children. Chest-deep in the warm water, her carefree moment turned to terror when she saw a massive shark cutting through the waves.
“It looked like a torpedo in the water,” Foley recalled. “It was huge.”
Realizing the danger, she swam frantically toward shore but was attacked, sustaining severe pelvic injuries. In a desperate bid to protect her children, she struck the shark with her left hand.
“It grabbed me by the hand and pulled me underwater. I thought I was going to die. I called out to God, ‘Please, let me live.’”
Miraculously, Foley resurfaced but was horrified to see her arm had been severed. “It was gone,” she said, describing the harrowing sight of her exposed bone.
A Race Against Time
Her husband pulled her to safety, and a group of vacationing medical professionals sprang into action, applying a tourniquet to her arm and treating other injuries, including shredded tissue on her left buttock.
“If they hadn’t been there, I certainly would have bled out, because it took 20 minutes for EMS to get there,” Foley said.
Since the attack, Foley has undergone 25 surgeries, with more still ahead.
Fighting for Independence
Currently reliant on a basic, body-powered prosthetic hook, Foley had pinned her hopes on the myoelectric prosthetic hand. This advanced device, which responds to muscle signals, could restore a sense of independence she desperately craves.
“We don’t think about how often we use our hands to do tasks until you lose one,” Foley noted.
Despite the setback, a GoFundMe campaign has been launched to help Foley raise the necessary funds for the bionic arm, offering a glimmer of hope amid her struggles.
Cigna’s Response
Cigna Healthcare released a statement addressing the situation: “While many of our health plans cover a number of prosthetic options, we are evaluating benefit updates to help expand coverage of advanced prosthetics for more people.”
Foley’s story serves as a stark reminder of the gaps in healthcare coverage and the resilience required to navigate such challenges. While the road ahead remains uncertain, Foley’s determination to rebuild her life continues to inspire those around her.
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